Whenever I see a newborn my heart explodes as I think back to my own precious newborns and that amazing time. No one can ever really prepare you for life with a newborn. Even when you think you know what you are in for whether it is your 2nd, 3rd and so on every baby is so different. I know each of my experiences were different.
I remember with my first I was so quick to get out of the house. I felt I had to get out ‘show my baby off’ and show how well I was doing. While I was questioning everything I was doing. Worrying was I was doing it right. Was I over feeding her, could she put herself to sleep, and so on. Sometimes I think I was so worried about doing everything right I forgot to enjoy it.
With my second baby, I had 2 under 2 and life was busy. I remember nights of sitting with my eldest putting her to sleep. While also feeding and rocking my newborn to sleep often with tears streaming down my face. My second was not a good sleeper and showed me what sleep deprivation really felt like. Again I was quick to get out of the house and show everyone I had my shit together.
Yet when my third came along I knew this time I really wanted to embrace the newborn bubble. I had more confidence and nothing to prove. With my third I spent the time at home not being in rush to get anywhere. I wanted to let myself and my 2 other children adjust to our new life with our newest family member.
Life with a newborn is bloody tough you are getting to know your new little. So if you are a new mum or if you are expecting enjoy the newborn bubble. If people offer you help take it let them cook you tea, do your washing or anything else they offer to do.
Finally trust yourself. If you are unsure reach out for support to midwives, your GP or community and family health nurses. There is plenty of other support out there for you to use.
You are amazing xx.