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Sleep Education - Early Childhood Services
Educators Course $350 Families Session $199
The 1.5 hour training for educators includes –How to set up for great sleep, why sleep is important, sample routines, how much sleep is needed at different ages, how to communicate with families about sleep, talking to families about their children’s sleep, how to ensure safe sleep, meeting the centre Policy, National Quality Standards, EYLF outcomes and Regulations.
1 hour training for families includes – Why sleep is important, how to set up for great sleep at home, sample routines and getting great night sleep, how much sleep is needed at different ages, how to communicate with educators about sleep. how to ensure safe sleep at home and the centre.
Newborn Ready
$120 The aim of the newborn ready is to help new parents to feel more comfortable and ready to support their new little baby get the best sleep they can. The newborn ready includes a 1 hour in home visit in which together we will assess the baby’s sleep space, ways to calm and settle a newborn, sleep expectations for the first 6 months and the opportunity to ask any questions. This consult is for parents before their baby is born or in the first couple of weeks after bub is born.

Coffee Group Chat
Service Features
Be Prepared
The idea of both of these services is to help parents prepare for what is to come with their little ones. Both of these consultations can help parents set realistic expectations about what to expect with their children’s sleep.
A Gift
The Newborn Ready consult is perfect for a baby shower gift or to buy for yourself. Often parents spend time preparing and planning for the labour and birth but are not sure what to expect after. This consult is exactly that it helps them prepare and know what to expect.
Coffee Group
A Coffee Group chat can be at a location that suits the people attending, it can be at someone’s house, or at a play centre where parents can bring their children with them or you could it in the evening with just no little ones around. If you are not sure where to hold it I can organise a location.
Larger Groups
I also do large group chats at Early Education Centres, community groups or any organisation. If you are interested please contact me for a quote.