What I Do

What I Do

How I can help you.... I help children from birth to five years, who struggle with sleep to get the best possible sleep they can by supporting the families with a personalised approach. My Philosophy I believe every baby, child and their families deserve healthy...
About Me

About Me

About Me Hi I am Maryann Wild  I am a fully certified sleep consultant, I also have a Bachelor of Teaching birth to 5 years. I have worked in early childhood education for 14 years. Working with children from birth to 5 years is my passion. I have a strong...
Frequently asked Questions

Frequently asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions The dewithThe answers to all your questions If the question you have is not here please contact me and ask! Where am I located? I am located in Parkes NSW. Travel up to 35 km is included in the price or all in home consultations. What...


Freebies! Sign up below to grab some amazing FREE information to help your little one sleep better.   Top 10 Questions to ask when enrolling at an Early Childhood ServiceAre you looking at an early childhood service for your little one? With almost 20 years...

Checklist to help your child sleep through the night

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